Wordle 364 for June 18 is available now, bringing with it a rather tough challenge. If you’ve been playing Wordle, today’s challenge might be a tad bit difficult. For the same, we’ve provided Wordle 364 hints and clues for June 18. We’ve also provided the Wordle 364 answer for today in this article.

Wordle 364: Tips And Tricks
Before diving into the hints and clues of Wordle 364, let’s take a look at how to play the popular game. The Wordle game for June 18 opens just like any other previous challenges. Here’s how to play the game:
Step 1: You can access the NYT Wordle challenge on your browser or via this link.
Step 2: The game now opens to six rows with five blocks each along with the alphabet box below. Gamers can start by entering any five-letter word.
Step 3: Try to include letters like A, E, and I, and avoid letters like Q, X, and Z in your first word.
Step 4: Once you enter the first word, the colors of these letters will change to green, yellow, or grey.

Yellow suggests it’s in the final word but at the wrong place, whereas green indicates that the letter is in the final word and also in the right place. Lastly, grey means that the letter isn’t in the word at all. Based on these colors, gamers have to arrive at the final Wordle answer.
Wordle 364 Hints For June 18
Apart from these tips, we have provided additional Wordle 364 hints. Take a look below:
Hint 1: Wordle 364 includes two vowels, A and O
Hint 2: Wordle 364 starts with the letter C
Hint 3: Wordle 364 ends with the letter O
Hint 4: Wordle 364 answer has repeated letters of these alphabets.
Hint 5: Wordle 364 answer is a popular bean that’s used to make chocolate
Wordle 364 Answer For June 18
The final hint might have revealed the final Wordle 364 answer for June 18. If you still didn’t get it, worry not. The Wordle 364 answer for June 18 is CACAO! It’s challenging because of the repeated letters which aren’t something one would guess!
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Story first published: Saturday, June 18, 2022, 8:33 [IST]
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