WhatsApp has added three new features to the messaging platform to improve the voice calling experience. The new features are rolled out to ‘Group Voice Calls’ to enable a more streamlined and hassle-free voice calling experience on the app. The new set of features comes just a day after WhatsApp released an update allowing Android users to transfer their chats and data to iPhones.
Let’s check out the new group voice calls features in detail.
Banner notification when someone joins a group voice call
The first feature solves a big logistic issue with group voice calls. Now when someone new joins the group voice call, you will be notified by a banner notification saying, “X joined the call”. Notifications will appear even if the new participant is off-screen.
The feature could be highly useful if you are engaged in a group call with more than 15 or 20 callers.
Muting others on a group voice call
The second feature will come in handy for group moderators as it gives the ability to mute others on a group voice call. The background chatter will no longer distract you while you are talking about something important with others. You can simply mute a person with just one tap. Notably, Zoom also offers this highly useful feature.
Messaging participants during a group voice call
The third feature allows you to message other participants separately while in a group call. This feature will come in extremely handy for official group calls when you would like to raise a concern, give feedback or express an opinion to a particular member of the group. With this new feature, you can message just one person in the group without missing out on the conversation.
WhatsApp, which has become the default mobile messaging app, keeps introducing new features to improve its chat and calling capabilities. WhatsApp recently extended the group voice call limit to add up to 32 people in a call. These newly rolled out features will come in very handy for big group voice calls. Would you like WhatsApp to add any specific feature to the cross-platform app? Let us know in the comments.
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Story first published: Saturday, June 18, 2022, 14:05 [IST]
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